29 research outputs found

    El mobbing y su influencia en el afrontamiento del estrés en la empresa GINSBERG, de la Ciudad de Quito, en el año 2019.

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    Acceso AbiertoEl acoso laboral es una problemática que genera consecuencias negativas tanto para los trabajadores como para la organización de cualquier índole. Por ello la presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar si existe o no, la presencia de acoso laboral o “mobbing” y proponer mecanismos de afrontamiento para el estrés en la empresa Ginsberg de la Ciudad de Quito. Por lo cual se procedió a recolectar los datos de la población de dicha organización, la muestra se conformó por 110 trabajadores. para lograr dicho objetivo se utilizará dos reactivos psicológicos que nos posibilitará y nos ayudará a identificar los niveles de ambas variables, por una lado utilizaremos el Inventario de Violencia y Acoso Psicológico en el Trabajo (IVAPT-PANDO ) y por otro lado utilizaremos la escala de Estrés Laboral de la (OIT-OMS). Mediante la aplicación de dichos instrumentos al personal antes mencionado se recopiló la información necesaria para poder determinar si existe o no acoso laboral. Mediante el procesamiento de la información los resultados obtenidos evidencia que existe una relación entre las variables, donde a mayor acoso laboral genera mayor posibilidad de estrés en los trabajadores, lo cual refleja que los trabajadores se encuentran en un nivel alto de presencia de acoso laboral o “mobbing” y un nivel intermedio de estrés. De acuerdo a los resultados alcanzados dentro de la empresa se procedió a realizar una propuesta de intervención dirigida a la prevención de acoso laboral o “mobbing” para evitar que los trabajadores presenten niveles altos de estrés causando dificultades en las actividades laborales

    Aplicaciones de SIG en la ubicación geográfica de clientes y análisis espacial de patrones de utilización de productos de consumo masivo de una empresa comercial en varias ciudades del Ecuador

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    Distribution companies of mass consumption, in the course of time have required detailed information about customers and their geographic locations, as these data can be segmented customers for certain criteria, perform certain campaigns, promotions or advertising directed selective to specific customer segments. It requires an system which has the customer information, surveys and geographic locations, to graph on a map and locate them geographically. To develop the information system is necessary develop surveys for the collection of information from customers and their locals with this information is fed the database Geo relational and implemented the system with maps for the location of customers. The information system provides the user to locate on the map the addresses of the premises by type of enterprise customers and to filter by criteria to represent information in the map. The commercial enterprise performs query per survey that meet certain search parameters to get the customers that meet the search can be located geographically on the map, the same way you can search by city, zone and neighborhood, once located these parameters are displayed on the map the premises commercial of the customers found with their respective symbols to indicate what type of location is geographically located with coordinates on the map.Las empresas de distribución de consumo masivo, en el transcurso del tiempo han requerido información detallada acerca de los clientes y sus respectivas ubicaciones geográficas, ya que con estos datos se pueden segmentar los clientes por determinados criterios, realizar determinadas campañas, promociones o publicidad selectiva dirigidas a segmentos específicos de clientes. Se requiere de un Sistema en donde se tenga la información de los clientes, de las encuestas y las ubicaciones geográficas, para graficar en un mapa y ubicarlos geográficamente. Para desarrollar el Sistema de información es necesario elaborar encuestas para realizar el levantamiento de la información de los clientes y sus locales, con esta información se alimentan la Base de Dato Georelacional y se implementa el Sistema con los mapas para la ubicación de los clientes. El Sistema de Información realiza consultas por encuesta que cumplen con ciertos parámetros de búsqueda, al obtener los clientes que cumplen la búsqueda se los puede ubicar geográficamente en el mapa, de la misma manera se puede realizar una búsqueda por ciudad, zona y barrio, una vez ubicados estos parámetros se visualizan en el mapa los locales de los clientes encontrados con su respectiva simbología que indica que tipo de local es el ubicado geográficamente con coordenadas en el mapa

    El aspecto lingüístico en el entorno de la OTAN. La lengua para la seguridad y defensa internacional

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    El presente trabajo analiza el sistema de formación y enseñanza de idiomas y acreditación de niveles de competencias lingüísticas en el entorno de la OTAN. Actualmente existe una creciente demanda en la ampliación del aprendizaje de los idiomas, diferentes del inglés, hablados en los países miembros de la Alianza Atlántica, entre los que se encuentra el español y de esta manera, favorecer las relaciones internacionales en contextos operativos de las Fuerzas Armadas Combinadas de la Alianza.This article deals with the training and teaching language system and certification of proficiency language levels in NATO environment. Today, there exists a demanding need to enlarge the range of languages, other than English, to be learned, as it is Spanish in order to foster the international relationships existing in the operational context within the Joint Armed Forces of the Atlantic Alliance.número de páginas: 9

    Evolution of IFN-gamma response against mycobacterial antigens used for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in BCG vaccinated cattle under a natural transmission setting in central Chile

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    Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a chronic disease of animals mainly caused by Mycobacterium bovis, a zoonotic pathogen that generates economic losses in the milk and meat industry. In central Chile, the Metropolitan Region concentrates dairy herds with the highest bTB prevalence of the country and the official veterinary service has supported the evaluation of the M. bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine in this area with the replacement of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPDs) by the DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) peptides for the bTB diagnosis in the herds. This study aimed to describe the IFN-gamma response against PPDs (bovine and avian PPD) and DIVA antigenic cocktails (ESAT-6/CFP-10 and Rv3615c) in BCG vaccinated 11-month-old heifers under a natural transmission scenario. Sixty-two animals were vaccinated via subcutaneous route with a 2-8 x 105 colony forming units of BCG Russia strain and 60 control animals received sterile saline. Blood sampling was performed at time 0, previous to vaccination, and then at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months post-inoculation. The follow up of the IFN-gamma response in animals determined that the BCG vaccination interferes with the diagnosis of bTB using the traditional bovine PPD between 9 and 12 months post-inoculation. Furthermore, the sensitization with non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) was also interfering the diagnosis relying in PPDs, suggesting the need of using DIVA antigens under this epidemiological condition, whether or not the BCG vaccine is administered in cattle, in order to improve the accuracy of bTB diagnosis in central Chile

    Process Mining to Unleash Variability Management: Discovering Configuration Workflows Using Logs

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    Variability models are used to build configurators. Configurators are programs that guide users through the configuration process to reach a desired configuration that fulfils user requirements. The same variability model can be used to design different configura tors employing different techniques. One of the elements that can change in a configurator is the configuration workflow, i.e., the order and sequence in which the different configuration elements are presented to the configuration stakeholders. When developing a configurator, a challenge is to decide the configuration workflow that better suites stakeholders according to previous configurations. For example, when configuring a Linux distribution, the configura tion process start by choosing the network or the graphic card, and then other packages with respect to a given sequence. In this paper, we present COnfiguration workfLOw proceSS mIning (COLOSSI), an automated technique that given a set of logs of previous configu rations and a variability model can automatically assist to determine the configuration workflow that better fits the configuration logs generated by user activities. The technique is based on process discovery, commonly used in the process mining area, with an adaptation to configuration contexts. Our proposal is validated us ing existing data from an ERP configuration environment showing its feasibility. Furthermore, we open the door to new applications of process mining techniques in different areas of software product line engineering.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología RTI2018-094283-B-C3

    Desajuste clínico y escolar y síntomas emocionales en niños y adolescentes diabéticos y no diabéticos

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    When diabetes mellitus 1 appears in childhood and adolescence can involve substantial and significant differences in maladaptive skills (depression, anxiety and stress, mainly) compared to the population that does not have this disease. In compliance with this information, the following research analyzes such differences between a group of children and adolescents with diabetes and a control group that did not suffer from any chronic disease. A total of 88 families with children between the ages of 10 and 18 years old participated in the study, of which 42 suffer from diabetes and the other 46 do not suffer from diabetes. The instrument selected for measuring Clinic Maladjustment (dimensions made up of Anxiety, Atipicality, Locus of Control and Somatization –just in S3–); School Maladjustment (Negative Attitude to School, Negative Attitude to Teachers and Sensation Seeking) and others Emotional Symptoms (dimensions made up of Anxiety, Interpersonal Relations, Self-Esteem, Social Stress, Depression and Self-Reliance) was the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC). The different sample analyses conclude that diabetic children tend to score higher in all these global dimensions, although the differences found between both groups are just significant in School Maladjustment and Emotional Symptoms in children and in Clinical Maladjustment in adolescents. These scores suggest that, as numerous studies from this field have been showing, the appearance of this illness causes a disturbance of mood and emotional states in children and adolescents with diabetes. This fact demonstrates the importance of developing guidelines that promote adaptive habits that emphasize the independence in diabetic children and adolescents to help them gain self-confidence to improve these skills.La aparición de diabetes mellitus de tipo 1 en la niñez y la adolescencia puede conllevar importantes diferencias significativas en habilidades desadaptativas (depresión, ansiedad y estrés, principalmente) con respecto a la población que no padece dicha enfermedad. Acorde con esto, el siguiente estudio pretende analizar la existencia de dichas diferencias entre un grupo de niños y adolescentes diabéticos y otro grupo control que no padece ningún tipo de patología crónica. En dicha investigación han participado un total de 88 familias con hijos de edades comprendidas entre 10 y 18 años, de los cuales 42 niños padecían diabetes y los otros 46 no. El instrumento seleccionado para medir el Desajuste Clínico (compuesto por las dimensiones de Ansiedad, Atipicidad, Locus de Control y Somatización – en el S3–), el Desajuste Escolar (conformado por la actitud negativa hacia el colegio, actitud negativa hacia los profesores y búsqueda de sensaciones –en el S3–) y otros Síntomas Emocionales (compuesta por las subescalas de Ansiedad, Relaciones Interpersonales, Autoestima, Estrés Social, Depresión y Sentido de Incapacidad) ha sido el Sistema de Evaluación de la Conducta de Niños y Adolescentes (BASC). Los análisis de diferencia de muestras concluyen que los niños diabéticos tienden a puntuar más alto en ambas dimensiones globales, si bien las diferencias halladas entre ambos grupos tan solo son significativas en Desajuste escolar y Síntomas emocionales (para la muestra de niños) y Desajuste Clínico (en la muestra de adolescentes). Dichas puntuaciones dejan entrever que, en consonancia con los estudios previos realizados, la aparición de esta enfermedad supone una alteración de los estados anímicos y emocionales de quienes la padecen. Este hecho constata la importancia de elaborar pautas que potencien hábitos adaptativos y que enfaticen la independencia de niños con diabetes, para ayudarlos a ganar confianza en sí mismos en pro de mejorar estas habilidades

    Estimación económica de una muestra de casos de enfermedad profesional confirmados por el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social atendidos en el Parc de Salut Mar, 2014-2021

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    La infranotificación de enfermedades profesionales (EEPP) es un problema social y económico, pues repercute en el bienestar del trabajador afectado, y en las estimaciones presupuestarias que se planifican anualmente para la gestión de los servicios sanitarios. Los costes asistenciales fueron evaluados en una muestra de 13 casos de EEPP con resolución positiva por el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social atendidos en el Parc de Salut Mar (Barcelona) entre 2014 y 2021. El coste de la asistencia generada del total de casos fue de 474.859 €, con un coste medio de 36.528 € por paciente. Por grupo diagnóstico, el coste más alto lo originaron los casos de cánceres que supusieron el 79% del gasto total (375.068 €). Los hallazgos del estudio reflejan el impacto económico que supone la asistencia sanitaria prestada por un hospital público a pacientes con una EEPP reconocida en el INSS

    Vaccination of Calves with the Mycobacterium bovis BCG Strain Induces Protection against Bovine Tuberculosis in Dairy Herds under a Natural Transmission Setting

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    Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic disease caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis, of which control is based on culling infected animals and, without official compensations, is associated with major economic losses for milk and meat producers. The vaccination of cattle with the M. bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) strain, as a strategy for bTB control, might attenuate this situation. The objective of this trial was to assess the efficacy of the BCG Russia strain in a cohort study performed under field conditions, with the vaccination of 501 calves in seven dairy farms, including 441 non-vaccinated control animals. Peripheral blood was collected at 6, 12 and 18 months post-vaccination, and infection status was determined using a diagnostic procedure which discriminates the infected amongst vaccinated animals. On average, the BCG vaccine showed a low but significant level of protection (22.4%) at the end of the trial, although diverse levels of protection and duration of immunity were observed between trial herds, suggesting that the efficacy of the BCG vaccination could be influenced by the general health condition of calves and their exposition to non-tuberculous mycobacteria. These results support the use of BCG as a complementary tool in the control of the disease in high prevalence areas. Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic disease caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis, which is associated with major economic losses for milk and meat producers. The objective of this trial was to assess the efficacy of the BCG Russia strain in a cohort study performed under field conditions, with the vaccination of calves in seven dairy farms from a high prevalence area in central Chile. The trial was performed with 501 animals, subcutaneously vaccinated with 2-8 × 10 5 colony-forming units of BCG, whilst 441 matched control animals received a saline placebo. Peripheral blood was collected at 6, 12 and 18 months post-vaccination, and infection status was determined using the IFNγ release assay in conjunction with the DIVA (Detecting Infected amongst Vaccinated Animals) antigens ESAT-6, CFP-10 and Rv3615c. The BCG vaccine showed a low but significant level of protection of 22.4% (95% CI 4.0 to 36.4) at the end of the trial. However, diverse levels of protection and a variable duration of immunity were observed between trial herds. This diverse outcome could be influenced by the general health condition of calves and their exposition to non-tuberculous mycobacteria. These results suggest that BCG vaccination of dairy calves in a natural transmission setting confers variable protection to animals against bTB in a high prevalence area

    Vaccination of Calves with the Mycobacterium bovis BCG Strain Induces Protection against Bovine Tuberculosis in Dairy Herds under a Natural Transmission Setting

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic disease caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis, of which control is based on culling infected animals and, without official compensations, is associated with major economic losses for milk and meat producers. The vaccination of cattle with the M. bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) strain, as a strategy for bTB control, might attenuate this situation. The objective of this trial was to assess the efficacy of the BCG Russia strain in a cohort study performed under field conditions, with the vaccination of 501 calves in seven dairy farms, including 441 non-vaccinated control animals. Peripheral blood was collected at 6, 12 and 18 months post-vaccination, and infection status was determined using a diagnostic procedure which discriminates the infected amongst vaccinated animals. On average, the BCG vaccine showed a low but significant level of protection (22.4%) at the end of the trial, although diverse levels of protection and duration of immunity were observed between trial herds, suggesting that the efficacy of the BCG vaccination could be influenced by the general health condition of calves and their exposition to non-tuberculous mycobacteria. These results support the use of BCG as a complementary tool in the control of the disease in high prevalence areas. ABSTRACT: Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic disease caused mainly by Mycobacterium bovis, which is associated with major economic losses for milk and meat producers. The objective of this trial was to assess the efficacy of the BCG Russia strain in a cohort study performed under field conditions, with the vaccination of calves in seven dairy farms from a high prevalence area in central Chile. The trial was performed with 501 animals, subcutaneously vaccinated with 2–8 × 10(5) colony-forming units of BCG, whilst 441 matched control animals received a saline placebo. Peripheral blood was collected at 6, 12 and 18 months post-vaccination, and infection status was determined using the IFNγ release assay in conjunction with the DIVA (Detecting Infected amongst Vaccinated Animals) antigens ESAT-6, CFP-10 and Rv3615c. The BCG vaccine showed a low but significant level of protection of 22.4% (95% CI 4.0 to 36.4) at the end of the trial. However, diverse levels of protection and a variable duration of immunity were observed between trial herds. This diverse outcome could be influenced by the general health condition of calves and their exposition to non-tuberculous mycobacteria. These results suggest that BCG vaccination of dairy calves in a natural transmission setting confers variable protection to animals against bTB in a high prevalence area

    Variación en la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial al emplear los criterios AHA-2017 en adultos de 2 poblaciones rurales de Ecuador

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    Objetivo: el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la variaciónen la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial (HTA) al aplicar loscriterios del ACC/AHA 2017 en sujetos adultos de 2 poblacionesrurales de Ecuador.Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de campo, descriptivo,transversal que incluyó a 904 individuos de ambossexos de las parroquias rurales Cumbe y Quingeo. La prevalenciade HTA se determinó utilizando los criterios del JNC-7y del ACC/AHA 2017, calculándose el incremento relativo enla prevalencia.Resultados: De los 904 sujetos, 62,1% (n=561) fueron mujeres.La prevalencia global de HTA según el JNC-7 fue de17,4%, mientras que aplicando los criterios del ACC/AHA2017 fue de 50,4%, con un incremento relativo de prevalenciade 189,7%. Este aumento fue más importante en hombres,grupo etario más joven (18-44 años), los empleados yla clase media-alta.Conclusiones: existen importantes variaciones en la prevalenciade HTA al emplear los nuevos puntos de corte sugeridospor el ACC/AHA 2017, con un incremento considerablemayor de 180%. Sin embargo, no se recomienda su aplicacióna corto plazo en nuestra región considerando el impactoepidemiológico desfavorable que puede generar